Why in the world do people choose to go out in terrible weather? Look, I get you have to run errands sometimes, but why in the hell do you look outside when you’re not in the rain or snow and think, “I need to go out in this!” when you don’t have to?
People lack common sense. Or maybe they have to prove something to themselves.
I broke out the Wii with Aaliyah for the first time in a while last night. We played Swordplay, Golf, and Table Tennis on Wii Sports Resort. She eventually wanted to move on to something else so I thought I’d play a game against the CPU on Table Tennis.
Three hours later, I turned the Wii off for the night. I’ve never liked table tennis. I was awful at it when I tried to play at Potomac State and I’ve never tried again. But last night, I must have played 20+ games and I definitely lost more than I won.
Also, there’s almost no info on the internet about how to be a better Wii Sports Resort Table Tennis player. Just some speedruns and a couple top spin/back spin tutorials. There was also a bunch of content about trying to beat the champion Lucia but I can’t even put more than 2 wins in a row together.
Needless to say, I left the Wii hooked up in our living room. Despite somehow tweaking my knee and my whole right arm being sore, I will return to the resort to try to get better at Table Tennis. I want to see Lucia crush my hopes and dreams in person, dammit!
And maybe, I’ll finally find a way to drag the table tennis set that Aaliyah got for Christmas into the basement and set it up. Even though I know I’ll be trash. It’s only 300 pounds…
We also watched the Super Mario Bros. movie now that it’s on Peacock. You can read my review over on my Letterboxd.
Despite my feelings on Vince McMahon needing to be removed completely from the company and sent to the fiery pits, I’ve been following WWE pretty closely again and watched SummerSlam almost in its entirety. It was a hell of a show and for the first time in ages, I wanted Roman to lose. The Bloodline story seems to be treading water a bit with how Roman ended up retaining, but I will continue to trust the process as everything is lining up for Roman/Cody II at WrestleMania XL. And Cody looked like a true superstar who is really ready to finish the story now.
Ugh, why does such a good product have to have such a horrible man still involved?
I took Friday off because Angel and I are going to Pittsburgh to attend the Barrel & Flow Festival on Saturday afternoon. It’ll be our 4th time going and Barrel & Flow was just named the #1 beer festival in America by USA Today.
Crap, that means it’ll be even more packed. Good news for Ed and Day though.