Missing The Alley Oop

I’m so proud of this verse I wrote and recorded yesterday:

Still trying to get ’88 Tape Deck available on all streaming platforms. That New Edition sample is a hindrance.

I’m seeing the smallest uptick on views on the channel and I’m very proud of that.

Recorded an episode for We Should Do This Again Sometime with Kat & Marc about When Harry Met Sally and Bull Durham. So blessed to have made amazing friends through podcasting.

A clip of the episode where Marcus and I talked about The Blueprint last year is rendering to be posted tomorrow.

I made a clip to duet over an old 50 Cent song I love.

Stayed low carb for the most part. Cleaned up dishes before the podcast tonight.

Ate Burger King for lunch as I’m now out of broccoli and cheese and I didn’t want brussel sprouts. I also didn’t get to fry any of the ham that’s in the fridge.

Angel got us matching Spider-Man shirts for Disney. I love them.

Still need to shave.

Aaliyah got a small bag of Fritos at History Bowl practice tonight and she wanted to bring them home to me. She was also worried I’d be late because we had to come back to the house to get her a mask this morning.

I wasn’t late.

I ate the Fritos. They were delicious.

I’ll never stop missing BBQ Fritos though.

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