When I worked at Teletech, I met a cartoonist named Johnathan Bigelow aka Deuce. He drew a webcomic called A Rusty Life (ARL) and I was one of the strip’s biggest fans.
I dabbled a little with my own hand drawn strip called Nonsense and Deuce had one of my characters appear in ARL. Thankfully, all evidence of that strip was destroyed two moves ago.
While looking through my hard drives for graphic ideas for the new header, I found the crossover as well as a storyline where ARL’s main character Rusty goes on Jeopardy. I didn’t really do much other than the two strips were you see my name next to his, but I was laughing like I had never seen these strips before last night.
So, of course I’m sharing. Again. But these haven’t been posted on any of my sites in years.
Find more recent work from Deuce on his Linktree.