We’re Back In Fuller House

I made my first attempt at egg drop soup yesterday morning. I got seasoned chicken broth with wet scrambled eggs. Edible though. 

Angel made tortellini soup last night. Highly edible. 

Ended up hiding Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok from my phone. It’s helping. And I actually read a few things so far. 

I’m hooked on Good Mythical Morning now. I spend more time watching YouTube than I do anything else. And I was talking a bunch of mess not long ago about planning on catching up on Bob’s Burgers. I’m funny. 

Finally broke down and bought the Hyphen Nation t-shirt I designed over a year ago. I love it. 

And finally, I just finished recording Rasslecast with Errick and Marcus which means my setup is now back in order from Extra Life. Other than my PS4. 

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